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Entries in K2 (34)


Allard of the Month - K2 1844

After sharing his recollections of the 1952 Watkins Glen Grand Prix, we asked Ed to tell us about the Allard K2 he has owned since purchasing it new almost sixty years ago. --Eds.

By Ed Reed

Nothing was the same. At least that’s the way it seemed trying to adjust to normal life after returning home from the Pacific after World War II. The '41 Olds 98 convertible had been sold, the music on the radio was different, and most of my time was taken up in an accelerated GI Bill program finishing up my final three years at Harvard. Amid the hectic schedule, I began attending sprint car races run on dirt tracks throughout southern New England, on weekends.

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Video - Pit Walk, 1990 Allard Reunion


Allard of the Week: K2 1741

K2 #1742 was shipped from the London docks on October 13, 1950 and was shipped to the USA without engine. Upon arrival, it was fitted with the preferred Cadillac 331 engine, with a single – bbl Carter carburetor, and 3-speed Ford transmission. Most of the early history of the car is unknown, other than it spent most of its early life on the East Coast and the Midwest, ranging in location from North Carolina to Indiana. In the early 1980’s it was even sold at one of the Barrett-Jackson auctions. After bouncing around between owners, it eventually ended up with

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Allard K2 Damaged at Russo & Steele

Unfortunately an Allard K2 was a part of the unfortunate tent collapse that happened at the Russo & Steele auction last weekend in Scottsdale, AZ. Fortunately, from the photos that were captured from a YouTube video, the car appears to have sustained relatively minor damage, especially when compared to other cars. For those of you unaware, the tent where the auction cars were stored, collapsed due to the severe winds that were part of a major storm that swept through the Southwest. Damage to the cars was estimated at $1.5 million.

Click the picture above to watch the video.

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