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Entries in Coupe (3)


Page Updates: M2 & M2X

We've finally created pages for the M2 and M2X. Believe it or not, but we had to a fair amount of research to confirm which was which since the documentation we had was both poor and inconsistent. Special thanks to David Hooper for helping us sort through the details. Finally, we'd like to extend a special thank you to Don Milligan who supplied us with the M2X scanned photos (and kept after us to create the page). Don, now it's our turn to pester you to restore that M2X! Click the photo above to view the M2 page. Click the photo below to view the M2X page. Enjoy!


Page Update: M Coupe

We've updated the M Coupe' page, click here or the photo above to check it out.


A Close Look at Bob Girvin's GT Coupe

We just got a tip on this post from www.britishracecar.com about Bob Girvins GT Coupe #2 of 2 built. As you can imagine, Bob's car can get around a track pretty well...it doesn't hurt that Bob is a pretty good driver either. Click here or the photo above to read a VERY detailed review of this unique GT Coupe.