Below are excerpts of the latest Allard news - just click a headline to read the whole story. If you own an Allard and would like to know more about it, please click here to contact us. We hope you enjoy the site!

Entries in Links (2)


New Link - Classic Automobilist

We just added a new technical link to the site for a company out of the UK called Complete Automobilist. They carry a number of unique parts such as Lucas components, Brooklands wind screens, fuel fillers, wire covers, trim parts, etc. Check them out at http://www.completeautomobilist.com/


Site Updates...

We're pleased to announce that we've updated our Web Links with two new buttons on the top tool bar. The first button, 'Allard Links' is for interesting Allard links. The second button, 'Allard Technical Links' is for everything tech related...parts, manuals, suppliers, etc. If you'd like to recommend a site that we missed, please click here to let us know. We hope you find them useful!